Sunday, 10 July 2011

Jamie Brought his 400 women back to a sense of reality Through, sculptor ?

Jamie McCartney Is a professional Sculptor who works from his studio in Brighton, He recently had a major exhibition in Brighton titled " The Great Wall of Vagina".  Now initially i thought to myself that i must be completely out of my mind to share this on my blog, I  mean i am all up for experimentation and get to know your know your self creatively and thoroughly but Jamie takes this to a whole deeper level.

Jamie McCartney's - " Great Wall of Vagina" 

I decided to share this after a conversation with a  performer and dear friend who also Writes for blog on Article 19. In this conversation we were discussing a dancer who went to an Audition and after  getting down to the final remaining dancers which anybody would be happy about, to be then informed that it would be a piece that would involve large amounts of nudity and how did she feel about it..

  • Would you feel slightly cheated that nothing was mentioned earlier in the audition notice?  

  • How much is necessary art and how much is art, when it comes to nudity on stage for example?   

The exhibition has had mixed reviews as you can imagine but i just wanted to share it, incase you hadn't come across it!

"Jamie continues to explore the boundaries of what is possible and what is acceptable. His latest series of works, Sexidermy and Objets  involving the use of taxidermy, fur, body parts and everyday objects are characteristically controversial. Actaeon, Armadildo and Shuttlecocks are typical examples of his Neo Surrealism. Jamie has been recognised by several awards. His stock, as they say, is rising…
An established artist, Jamie has exhibited in many individual and group shows and manages to juggle several artistic directions. Constantly in demand for his commissioned portraits, Jamie divides his time between these and his gallery pieces. He may once have been flavour of the month in the erotic art world but his sweep is much broader than that. "I don't think of myself as an erotic artist at all. I work with a lot of processes and like to keep it that way. I love to experiment in the studio and see what comes of it. I'm inspired by many things but recurrent themes are the human body, sexuality, notions of beauty, mortality, corrosion, impermanence, natural processes and the natural world."

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