Sunday, 10 July 2011

Girls on Film . Art on Film . Frame Worked by a Contemporary Bow

It was a durational performance of 3 hours a time over the 26th & 27th of March 2011 

In March i was Dancing for Nicola Conibere on Piece titled " Giving of the Eye" a collaboration performance project between Nicola and the Nottingham Trent University MA framework course.  Dancers, Photographers and Designers collectively met and responded to the exhibition at the time at the Nottingham Contemporary which featured two major show casings of work by Jack Goldstein  and Ann Collier.  I was really excited to be apart of the project as all three artistic areas underpin my creative DNA, so to be apart of a creation process and perform at the end of it was really special.  This happened to be my second paid work since my departure from the conservatoire i studied Contemporary Dance performance, it was starting to feel real for me.

The most fascinating thing for me was, how all three creative fields was able to make work and work that was filled with depth and richness in response to the exhibition. Watching Nicola fine tune them all so they could all share the space with a pleasingly rich synchronicity was a great learning experience me.

"Nicola Conibere is a London based artist whose work explores the role of the body in performance with particular interests in how the exchange between performers and audience can be acknowledged through the live event, and how ideas of theatrical spectacle function within that project.

Her work takes the form of durational installation performance as well as more conventional theatre formats and has been shown in theatres as well as gallery / studio spaces". 

Costume Design By MA Framework Student 

Light . Music . Costume . Dance  and Photography  Collaborate 

Attached is a link to the " Giving of the Eye Blog" where you can see some other featured work.

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